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1 min read
Covid 19 = wir machen auch zu (bis die Bars wieder geöffnet sind)
Liebe Zuhörende. wir machen eine kleine Pause. Wir planten sowieso, einen Monat zu unterbrechen. Um Zeit zu haben, die erste Saison zu...

1 min read
Matt Boswell, Tiger Bar, 2/2
Welcome to our third episode IN ENGLISH. In this second episode with Matt Boswell from the Schöneberg-based Tiger Bar we discuss...

1 min read
Matt Boswell, Tiger Bar, 1/2
Welcome to our third episode IN ENGLISH. In this first episode with Matt Boswell from the Schöneberg-based Tiger Bar we find out about...

1 min read
Araik Amzayan from Yerevan (1/2, English)
On our trips to Armenia we learned a few things: people are highly educated, enjoy life and love food and drink of the highest quality!...

1 min read
Stephanie Custance, Redwood Bar, 2/2
Our second episode IN ENGLISH! In this first episode with Redwood Bar head bartender Stephanie Custance we focus on all sorts of drugs in...

1 min read
Stephanie Custance, Redwood Bar, 1/2
Our second episode IN ENGLISH! In this first episode with Redwood Bar head bartender Stephanie Custance we focus on her take on...

1 min read
Olek Szota from Krakow (1/1, in English)
Find out about the first Krakow speakeasy (and probably the hardest one to find) from Krakow in this interview with Olek Szota. It's an...

1 min read
Christopher Krellwitz, Vox Bar Grand Hyatt, 2/2
Mit Christopher Krellwitz haben wir in unserer Sendung einen voll in der Hotel-Gastronomie ausgebildeten Bartender zu Gast. Die von ihm...

1 min read
Narek Baghdasaryan from Yerevan (1/1, in English)
Narek Baghdasaryan is a seasoned bartender of Armenia. He's worked in many different bars in Yerevan and brings a diverse knowledge of...

1 min read
Christopher Krellwitz, Vox Bar Grand Hyatt, 1/2
Mit Christopher Krellwitz haben wir in unserer Sendung einen voll in der Hotel-Gastronomie ausgebildeten Bartender zu Gast. Er kann uns...

1 min read
Marian Plajdicko, Happy Baristas, 2/2
EPISODE IN ENGLISH Marian Plajdicko is a Slovak who lives in Berlin since 2012. He co-owns the coffee shop Happy Baristas in Berlin...

1 min read
Marian Plajdicko, Happy Baristas, 1/2
Marian Plajdicko ist Slowake und lebt seit 2012 in Berlin. Er ist Mitinhaber des Cafés Happy Baristas in Berlin Friedrichshain. Wir...

1 min read
Pawel Rodaszynski from Warsaw, Poland (1/1, in English)
Pawel Rodaszynski is one of the most well-known Polish bartenders, together with our very first guest Tomek Roehr. He co-owns one of the...

1 min read
Orest Seredyak from L'viv (2/2, in English)
Orest Seredyak is a Ukrainian bartender from Ivan-Frankiwsk. At the time of recording he managed the famous bar 'Libraria Speakeasy' in...

1 min read
Orest Seredyak from L'viv (1/2, in English)
Orest Seredyak is a Ukrainian bartender from Ivan-Frankiwsk. At the time of recording he managed the famous bar 'Libraria Speakeasy' in...

1 min read
Vardkes Azurmanyan from L'viv, Ukraine (2/2, in Ukrainian)
.З нами Вардкес Арзуманян, ресторатор зі Львова, який розкаже нам про своє бачення індустрії, яким є ресторанний бізнес в серці західної...

1 min read
Vardkes Azurmanyan from L'viv, Ukraine (1/2, in Ukrainian)
.З нами Вардкес Арзуманян, ресторатор зі Львова, який розкаже нам про своє бачення індустрії, яким є ресторанний бізнес в серці західної...

1 min read
Tomek Roehr from Warsaw, Poland (1/2, in English)
One of the figure heads of Polish bartending, Tomek Roehr told us he entered the bar scene by accident. We're lucky it happened this way!...

1 min read
Tomek Roehr from Warsaw, Poland (2/2; in English)
Tomek Roehr wishes to see more local products in Warsaw bars. Find out why in that second episode!

1 min read
Eastern Shakes: a trailer and also a teaser
Eastern Shakes is a series of COUNTER (BAR) STORIES, the podcast channel launched by Robert Schröter of and Valerie...
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